Category Archives: technical

linux sysadmin technical

Simple quick and dirty linux to smb copy backup script using smbfs

I recently wrote this bash script for the purpose of a simple selective backup on one of our linux servers. It tars up a bunch of files and copies them to a windows / SMB server elsewhere on the network (where it is then backed up to tape as per everything else on that server). I know there are many different examples of this type of script on the interweb already, but someone might find this version helpful as well.

There seems to be a few different ways to get the SMB bit done but I ended up using smbfs: you’ll need this on your system for this script to work. If you don’t have it and you’re using a package manager it should be pretty simple to get, a bit of #apt-get install smbfs should do the trick.

Note: I am aware of various security issues with running scripts as root, storing passwords in scripts, and this sort of thing. Since this is a super simple backup script, I’m doing it anyway : Complaints department is /dev/null ;)

Script 1: this is a super simple version. It tars and copies some folders to the remote share and thats it.


#simple backup script
#by Glen Scott,

# set smb server and auth vars

filename=$(hostname).backup.$(date +%a).tar

#tar up the backup folder
tar -cf $savepath$filename $backuplocation

#connect to the share
mount.smbfs $sharename $mountpoint -o username=$username,password=$password

# move the tar
mv -f $savepath$filename $mountpoint

# disconnect the share
umount $mountpoint

#all done!

Script 2: this is the second version I made for another box. It needed a mysql database backed up as well so I added a few lines in for that. I also took the chance to add a quick working folders checker / creator, tidy it up a bit and comment everything.


# simple backup script
# by Glen Scott,

# this is a simple script to tar.gz certain folder locations and copy them to a SMB share
# this script should be run periodically from crontab
# you will need smbfs installed on your system or modify the samba mount method

# set smb server and auth vars

#set mysql details

#set which folder locations we want to backup, inc trailing slashes
#add more here and append to the appropriate tar line further down the script if needed


#set temp files and folders
filename=$(hostname).backup.$(date +%a).tar.gz

# make sure our working folders are present and accounted for

if [ ! -d "${backuptemp}" ]
mkdir $backuptemp

if [ ! -d "${savepath}" ]
mkdir $savepath

if [ ! -d "${mountpoint}" ]
mkdir $mountpoint

# tar up the files we want into the backup temp
tar -cf ${backuptemp}files.tar $location1 $location2

#dump the local mysql db into the backup temp
mysqldump "-h${mysqlhost}" "-u${mysqluser}" "-p${mysqlpasswd}" --all-databases --lock-tables > ${backuptemp}mysqldump.sql

#tar up the backup temp folder
tar -czf $savepath$filename $backuptemp

#connect the smb share to our mount point
mount.smbfs $sharename $mountpoint -o username=$username,password=$password

# copy the tar (could also move it but whatever you like)
cp -f $savepath$filename $mountpoint

# disconnect the share
umount $mountpoint

#all done

As long as you have smbfs installed, the above should work fine.

A word on smbfs: without it the above script will fail. You can probably install smbfs quite easily on your system with the command apt-get install smbfs (or yum if you’re using redhat/fedora, or whatever your flavor of package manager happens to be). I use debian, so apt-get works just fine for me.

A word on Crontab: You’ll need to add the script to your local cron to get regular backups.

I won’t go into hideous details about how crontab works, theres plenty of that on the net already. To keep it simple, if your distro supports it (most should) you can put a symlink to the script in /etc/cron.daily or /etc/cron.weekly which will give you a simple schedule.

If you want something a bit more complicated, you’ll have to mess with the crontab. I’m aware there are commands to get this done but I’ve always just edited the system crontab directly. Mine runs twice a week, on wednesdays and fridays, so my crontab line looks like this:

# m h dom mon dow user    command
0  2    * * 3,5 root    /root/backupscript


UPDATE: I notice a mutated version of this script has been posted in this forum thread over at – cool! Check it out over there if you want to see what someone else has done with it.

technical website

Creating ‘hidden’ pages in wordpress which don’t appear in the navigation menu

Yeah I know theres seventy thousand or so articles out there already talking about modifying


to include and exclude various pages from your wordpress site menus, but I’m going to talk about they way I did it anyway =)

The deal is, I’m wanting to publish stories and other standalone type pieces of writing on this site, and I want to create them as nice friendly text wordpress pages, but I don’t want each and every story to appear as a default pages link. The titles are long, there’ll be a few of them, and they’ll screw up my page layout if included in the pages menu(s), especially in the top nav bar where theres limited space.

To change this behavior, you just need to go into your theme template files and add some parameters to wp_list_pages(). The definitive list of parameters is over here and is worth a read:

The most useful ones for this task are ‘include’, ‘exclude’, and ‘depth’. You can string multiple parameters together using the ampersand & character like so:


Include and exclude will do as they suggest, given a comma delimited list of page numbers. If you use include it will only include the specified pages, if you use exclude it will include all except the specified pages.

I decided a better way to get it done, actually ideal for my purposes, is to create all my ‘hidden’ pages in a subcategory, and set the depth parameter to ‘1’. This means any page created as a subcategory will not appear in the navigation menus, though it can be explicitly linked to, or appear in a list of links for that subcategory (exactly what I want).

The Widgets file

I managed to sort out the top nav bar page listing on my template pretty easily by making the change to the header.php file, but I couldn’t find anything immediately obvious generating the page listing in sidebar.php, or any of the other theme includes. After some bumbling around trying to figure this out, I discovered the sidebar listing was being handled by wordpress widgets . This was pretty easy to fix once I found out where the widgets file is (/wp-includes/widgets.php), although since it uses an array for the parameters its slightly different than the edit above.

You have a few options for changing how the pages display through the wordpress widgets control panel, but sadly no way to exclude sub-pages by default. This would be a cool thing to have available, and I’d write it into the widget file and make my version available, but my php is far too rusty at the moment for this even though its pretty simple.

Ok, how to do it manually. Open up the widgets file for editing and find the section which defines function wp_widget_pages and add to the line which starts as follows:

$out = wp_list_pages (array ('title_li' => '',

etc etc and add to it the parameter ‘depth’ => 1, so it ends up looking something like this:

$out = wp_list_pages( array('title_li' => '', 'depth' => 1,'echo' => 0, 'sort_column' => $sortby, 'exclude' => $exclude) );

Thats it. save the file and your side menu should hide all pages in sub-categories.

Also, there is this plugin I found over here which interferes somehow with


to cause the change everywhere the function is called. Might save having to mess with multiple places in the template / widgets file depending how your theme is set up. (Mine has pages listed in a top nav bar as well as a side menu, for example).

linux sysadmin technical

Quad boot with Linux, XP and Encrypted Vista on the Lenovo x61 Tablet

In this post I’m going to briefly discuss the issues I’ve had getting my new X61 notebook booting with 4 OS’s, (Windows Vista, Windows XP, Ubuntu, Backtrack) encrypted.

Preamble: Our new staff laptops are pretty fantastic. Faculty has an initiative subsidizing the cost of deploying tablet notebooks to all schools in Computing and Health Science. I already had one of the few X41s which were wasting away in storage when I arrived: nobody seemed to want to use them becuase they apparently underperformed. I dusted one off and moved from the T42 I was using to the X41, and found the reduced footprint/weight to more than make up for any loss of grunt.

So the new machines have landed, and they’re the very capable Lenovo X61. I’ve had one for a month or so running alongside the X41. I would have made the transition without delay, as the new hardware is better in many respects, and I’m not that biased against Vista that I would avoid upgrading for that reason alone (Vista is mandatory on these new machines to increase staff exposure to the O/S), but theres been a major sticking point, and thats support for my favorite XP encryption solution, Truecrypt with TCGINA.

I’ve had at least one laptop stolen in recent years, and while no important data was lost / exposed via the theft, I now have a heightened awareness of the danger of carrying unencrypted data around. TCGINA does a great job in XP of hooking into the login process and pre-mounting your encrypted storage even before the user profiles are loaded, which means that data can be stored there as well. This effectively means that your desktop folder, my documents, IM data, browser (IE or FF) favorites and history and the like are all stored safely. If the device is lost or stolen, without your password, that sensitive file you left on the desktop isn’t sitting there exposed on an unencrypted diak waiting to be harvested by a forensic undelete utility.

Truecrypt 4 with TCGINA is broken on Vista

Vista takes a different (non GINA) approach to handling the login process , so TCGINA no longer gets it done. This was a real headache: I needed to be using Vista for work but wasn’t comfortable with an unencrypted portable system. (This is before TrueCrypt5 was released – more on this shortly). The X61 has a TPM and thus (any big brother TPM/Vista backdoor conspiracy theories aside) bitlocker should have been an option, but because of the partitioning setup on my notebook, it isn’t. This is because bitlocker works by creating a separate primary partition (size ~1gb or so) on your drive to stick its bootloader and encryption software.

Problem was, I already had the maximum 4x primary partitions. I’m never satisfied, so after installing Vista I went in with a linux livecd and gparted (gnome partition GUI, like travelling first class compared to being jammed in the luggage bay using fdisk) and sliced it up so I could have three additional OS’s booting natively. These were Ubuntu, Backtrack 3 Beta, and WinXP SP2 – (the latter being a real adventure to get co-habitating peacefully with the others, due to an unfortunate tendency to blat whatever bootloader I was using with its own apon install).

Eventually it all worked, with GRUB on the boot partition loading up whichever of my 4 OS/s I wanted. On a side note, whenever I messed with the size of the Vista partition (gparted handles ntfs partition resizing fine) Vista would fail to load until I went in with the vista boot dvd and ran the very simple repair/rescue procedure. Did this each time, and then it was fine.

(I’m aware that alternative bootloaders such as XOSL can supposedly work some magic when it comes to maximum / types of partitions and the O/S’s loaded from them, but I have yet to try it. )

So having reached this stage things were mostly groovy, my 4 OS’s on one machine, but with no encryption whatsoever. At this point, I would have been happy to have it on the Primary O/S only (Vista) as the others were mainly for testing and would be unlikely to have any sensitive data on there, but even that seemed out of reach due to the TCGINA/Vista broken-ness.

So what to do?
Answer: Truecrypt 5 rocks and is not broken on Vista

Midway through pondering how I was going to find a solution, a rescue came along: TrueCrypt 5 was released with a major major feature added: the ability to encrypt entire system & boot partitions.

This was pretty much holy grail stuff to me at that point.

I wasted no time in firing up the new Truecrypt on Vista to see if the promises were true. Summary: some of them are. Its good, but not perfect. It didn’t work “out of the box” (but then bitlocker didn’t work at all): There were hiccups because I had GRUB as my primary bootloader (TC5 refuses to deal with anything but the windows bootloader) and I was unable to encrypt my entire disk, as I initially thought I’d be able to do, because my partition setup included logical partitions (this scenario throws an error after you try to process a whole disk which contains logical partitions).

So to get it working? First, I had to nuke GRUB from the primary partition, and set it up on the secondary so I could still access my linux installs. This was pretty simple: I booted into Ubuntu (which is where my grub config lives) and installed it on the second partition via some simple GRUB commands which I googled and now cant remember (partition 2 happens to be where XP is installed), then booted up with my vista dvd and let it replace the primary bootloader.

It is probably worth noting that I also had the Backtrack distro* installed on one of the logical partitions (along with a swap partition and an independently encrypted truecrypt partition), and GRUB could load Backtrack fine throughout this process, as its location didn’t change. (sda6).

After that it was as simple as running the truecrypt system/boot encryption wizard from Vista again, allowing it to create a recovery CD (backup of the volume headers in case of corruption or a changed, forgotten password) and waiting for a couple of hours while it processed my vista system partition, live.

Voila – it works. My Vista partition is now secure, and my other OS’s boot fine, albeit unencrypted. The next step is to reorganize everything so I can get rid of the logical partitions and hence do a proper whole-disk encryption to cover both my Windows and Linux installs. I’m sure theres a post in that.

* Backtrack is a Slackware based livecd distro loaded with a plethora of security tools. Since my primary laptop is usually of the subnotebook/ultraportable breed and hence doesn’t usually include a CD/DVD drive, I’ve previously installed backtrack to a USB key and booted off that, but its easier to have it integrated as a boot option, epecially with nice large hard drives making the 3GB or so loss of usable space hardly noticable.

UPDATE: I have since received a few queries about this article via email and clarified it a bit, so I’ll post the emails and responses below.

John: Hello,
i read your article Quad boot with Linux, XP and Encrypted Vista on the Lenovo
x61 Tablet, but there is not much details. My problem is that i have 2 primary
partitions, 1. is winxp, second is linux. I have grub loader. So my problem is
after i will encrypt my windows primary partition + use pre boot lock stuff from TC, how my grub loader will work? Because if i understand well TC boot lock will delete MBR a put own code overthere.
Thanks for your reply.

Hi John

I have not encrypted WinXP with Truecrypt yet, only Vista, however I suppose it is more or less the same.

To answer your question: When you encrypt your windows partition it will install the TC bootloader on the MBR, and yes it will overwrite GRUB.

What you need to do is install GRUB on your linux partition before running truecrypt in windows. You will need to boot into linux and run some “grub” commands (suggest you google them) to install it to another partition/drive. (It is ok to have the grub bootloader installed on two drives at once). Once you have encrypted your windows system partition, the Truecrypt bootloader will detect any other bootable drives on the system and give you the option of booting from them instead of your encrypted windows when you start up. (They will not be encrypted or otherwise protected by truecrypt, but they will be bootable)

John: Ok till that part its clean, u mean just install grub not into MBR but on the linux partition where the linux is. Dont understand what u mean by grub will be installed on two drives at once, u mean MBR + linux partition?

Yes, you install the grub bootloader onto your linux partition. After that grub will be *temporarily* installed two places at once, but only until you run fixboot+fixmbr, after that the Windows bootloader will be restored to the primary drive/partition.

If I recall correctly, truecrypt will not do full system encryption while you have GRUB on the primary MBR, so once you have installed GRUB on your linux parition/drive, you need to replace it on the primary with the default WinXP bootloader (easiest way is to go in with the WinXP boot cd, go to the recovery console and use the “fixboot” and “fixmbr” commands). Once you have done this, boot back into windows (should go straight on with no sign of grub) and TC should encrypt your windows system partition fine.

John: Here is a place where i completly got lost. What do u mean by primary MBR? Ok anyway why do i have to put grub to primary? Didnt u say that its enought to install grub on linux partition, and simply overwrite MBR by truecrypt? Why do i have to do fixmbr and stuf…

fixmbr and fixboot are the microsoft command line tools for restoring the default windows bootloader. You need to do this because truecrypt will not encrypt a windows partition which has grub installed as its primary bootloader. Truecrypt then replaces the windows bootloader with its own bootloader which will then launch windows (encrypted) and also any other bootable drives/partions (ie your linux one with GRUB installed) that it finds.

So a basic sequence of things you would do:

  1. Boot into your linux install and install the grub bootloader onto the linux drive/partition
  2. Boot into windows recovery console (winxp cd) and restore the default bootloader (fixboot/fixmbr)
  3. Take cd out and boot up normally – grub should be gone and you will get into windows.
  4. Run truecrypt and encrypt windows partition
  5. Next time you boot up, TC bootloader is there and you can boot straight into windows or grub/linux.

Hope this answers your question!

John: Thanks a lot, –=John=–

Hope this helps anyone else as well  =) – Glen